Grange National School, 1855 – 1903

Paper 216

Lecture – 1999

Author – Clinton, Joe

An account of Grange National School which was located from 1855 to 1903 in the rural townland of Baltrasna near Skerries, County Dublin. The high teacher turnover and low pupil attendance until the mid-1870’s are discussed. The extant school registers are used to discover the subjects being taught, results achieved, level of attendance, the quality of teaching and the social background of the pupils. Finally the closure of the school following the deterioration of relations between the owner of the school site (land & buildings) and the teacher and manager is chronicled.

Repositories: SHS Archive, National Archive
Materials: Grange National School Registers / Roll Books / Examination Sheets / Inspectors’ Reports
Griffith Valuation, Census of Ireland (plural)
National Education Ireland Report 1866/1883/1901
Book: Irish Education History & Structure by J. Coolahan (Dublin 1981)