February presentation
11 February 2025
Big Dream, Little Boat
by Kevin O’Sullivan
Time and Tide
Volumes of papers from the society’s archive will be on sale before the talk.

Time and Tide is available for online purchase by clicking here.
Annual Membership fee for season 2024/ 25
The Annual Membership fee, due from October, remains €10 for 2024/25. Many thanks to those who have already paid. You can renew at the the next meeting or renew online here.

Images from the archive: Albert Fullerton
Albert Fullerton was employed by the Skerries Visitors Association (you can see the initials S V A on his shirt under the life ring). He was in charge of the bathing places on Red Island during the 1930s and 40s. His job was to keep them neat and tidy and make sure that the rules were observed. (Information taken from the stories written by Billy Blood Smyth in the late 1970s and 80s).
Committee Members 2024/25
Chair – Oona Roycroft
Vice Chair – Carmel Power
Hon Secretary – Stephanie Bourke
Hon Treasurer – Brendan Grimes
Hon Librarian – Maree Baker
Hon Archivist – Jean Harrison
PRO – vacant
with Bill Kee, Bernie McKenna and Seamus Murray.