March presentation

11 March 2025

Items from the archive

by Brendan Grimes, Jean Harrison, Bernadette McKenna and Oona Roycroft

The March presentation has four contributors who have each chosen an item from the archive: Minute books are a valuable source for historians. Using one of the society’s minute books as an example Brendan Grimes will discuss what we can learn from them. Jean Harrison has chosen a scrap book dated from 1950 to 1962. The subject matter concerns the advertisements for “Ireland’s Loveliest Ballroom” – the Pavilion Ballroom. Skerries Historical Society is fortunate to have acquired a number of old School Roll Books. Bernadette McKenna will take a brief look at names, addresses and other information recorded. Oona Roycroft will discuss what we can learn from the account book of the smack Ariel, a coastal trader operating in the 1870s.
Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 8.15pm
Skerries Bowling Club
All welcome. Non-members €5

Time and Tide

Volumes of papers from the society’s archive will be on sale before the talk.


Time and Tide is available for online purchase by clicking here.

Annual Membership fee for season 2024/ 25

The Annual Membership fee, due from October, remains €10 for 2024/25. Many thanks to those who have already paid. You can renew at the the next meeting or renew online here.

Images from the archive: Monsignor Casey

Monsignor Richard Casey was Parish Priest in Skerries from 1949 to 1960. In this photograph, taken outside the Carnegie Library in Strand Street, he is opening An Tostal, the festival created in the early 1950s to celebrate Irish Life.

Committee Members 2024/25

Chair – Oona Roycroft
Vice Chair – Carmel Power
Hon Secretary – Stephanie Bourke
Hon Treasurer – Brendan Grimes
Hon Librarian – Maree Baker
Hon Archivist – Jean Harrison
PRO – vacant
with Bill Kee, Bernie McKenna and Seamus Murray.