The First Year of the Parish Bulletin

Paper 258

Lecture – 2006

Author – Flavin, Patricia

This paper shows the history gleaned from Skerries R.C. Parish Bulletin. Patricia chooses its first year 1978 and expands on the items mentioned in the bulletin through her research in newspapers and the internet, and by getting information from Skerries residents. Events are considered under the headings of religion, social/community, education, charities and sport and she frequently compares 1978 with 2004.

The first section is a reflection on the Gospel or other readings from the Sunday Mass. Then there are happenings in the parish – Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths – including to a limited extent the Church of Ireland and Methodist Congregations. Schools, charities, cultural and sports organisations use the bulletin to advertise and report on events. Skerries Historical Society Archive has a copy of every bulletin produced to date, 2012. (30 pages).

Themes:  Education, Organisations, Religion, Social History