The sea water for the baths was pumped into the building from the sea. There were five male and four female bathrooms, as well as a heated sea water plunge bath. This bath was used to teach swimming and continued in operation up to about 1922.
On the 20th of September 1911 the Skerries Baths and Recreation Company Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation and William Flannagan’s offer for the company was accepted by the shareholders. He paid £850, out of which the bank had to be paid £640. This debt occurred because the full capital had not been subscribed to the company.
The rear section of the Recreation Hall housed the power plant of the “Electricity Works” which was also started by William Flannagan in 1914. A contract with the County Council to supply street lighting for the town is dated 28th of July 1915. Skerries was one of the earliest towns in Ireland to be electrified.
In 1945 a new cinema, the “Pavilion”, was built on the site of the roller skating rink, which had replaced the Baths. The hall was extended and rebuilt and opened in 1949 as the “Pavilion Ballroom”. For the next thirty years the ballroom and cinema were the mainstay of entertainment in Skerries.
Times and fashion change and television and disco dancing brought about the demise of the “Pavilion”. In the 1980s the wheel came full turn when the cinema was converted into a swimming pool. When the pool again closed down the building was used for a time as a storage area and furniture auction room. Finally it was demolished and replaced by an apartment building consisting of twelve luxury apartments and called “The Tides”.