The AGM of Skerries Historical Society…

…and Frank Whearity launches new book
(Skerries Historical Society Meeting – 8th October 2013)

The 66th season of talks and events from Skerries Historical Society began with a well attended AGM at which Brendan Grimes stepped down as Chair and Stephanie Bourke was elected in his place. Brendan may have dreamed of having an opportunity to take a well earned rest after three years hard work as Chair but it was not to be… No sooner had he ceded the Chair to Stephanie when he was prevailed upon to step into Eric Embleton’s shoes as the new SHS treasurer. Eric, surely, also had a right to a rest as he has been wrestling with the accounts for over ten years. Many thanks to him for all his hard work.

The committee were elected as follows:
Chair: Stephanie Bourke
Vice Chair: Carmel Power
Hon. Secretary: Oona Roycroft
Hon. Treasurer: Brendan Grimes
Hon Archivist: Joe Murray
Hon. Librarian: Maree Baker
PRO: George Hand
Other committee members: Marie Bashford Synnott, Geraldine Clarke, Hugh Halpin, Pauline Hanlon, Gerard Shannon, Elaine Skehan

The outgoing Chair noted that the founder members had insisted that our Society should produce original work. The fact that during the past year we have seen eight local people stand up and talk about very different aspects of our local history is something that would please the founders greatly and we can take great pride in the dynamism of our members.

No member is more dynamic or determined in his pursuit of historical detail than Frank Whearity , so it was with enormous pleasure that, following the AGM, we welcomed him to launch his book, The Easter Rising of 1916 in north County Dublin: A Skerries Perspective.

Frank’s book is the culmination of years of research which also earned him his M.A. degree last year. All the copies of the book were snapped up within an hour of the launch. If you missed out, copies are still available from Paddy in Skerries Bookshop, from Skerries Mills or online.

Report by Oona Roycroft

Page updated – 07 / 06 / 2014