Paper 265
Lecture – 2007
Author – Harte, John
This paper comprises Archaeology Notes, compiled for Skerries Historical Society Field Trip 15th July 2007. Research by:- Niamh Harte, Niall Roycroft, Paul Mulligan, Fr. Kit Sheridan, Stephanie Bourke and John Harte. Notes compiled by John Harte. This paper would be very useful to students of archaeology and those whose interests are on the area described – Rush to Gormanston.
As a brief description of the archaeology of the area, here are some of sites described. Neolithic Houses near Barnageera, Skerries. Mounds at Bremore, near Balbriggan. Passage Tombs near Knocknagin, at Gormanston. Drumanagh near Loughshinny. Lambay Island. (48 pages).
Theme: Archaeology