Paper 266
Lecture – 2008
Author – John J. Baker
Published – Time & Tide 8
This is a history of the Pubs and Publicans in Skerries. The author commences by giving an account of the laws pertaining to pubs, alehouses, inns and hotels. The first licensing act was that of Charles I in 1635.
We have a detailed account of the many public houses and inns in Skerries over the years since the 17th Century e.g . The Rush Pub (c. 1847), Holmpatrick Inn (c. 1878), The Brewery (c. 1841), The Bus Bar (c. 1871), Dublin Bar (early 1800’s), Stoop Your Head (c.1865), Joe May’s (c. 1865), Pier House (c. 1906), Red Island Holiday Camp (c. 1948), The Gladstone Inn (c.1865), Dunne’s (c. 1873), The Coast Inn (c. 1895), Fingal’s Cave (c. 1845). This paper is worth reading and is very well researched.
27 Pages.
Themes: Business, Social History