The Priory of Holmpatrick

Paper 053

Lecture – 1956

Author – Murphy, Paddy

Also in Nat. Library No: P. 7632

A list of the extents (valuation of properties) and tenants of the Priory in the years 1540-1541. The Rev. Ronan’s account of the election of Luke, Dean of St. Martins Le Grand, London as successor to Archbishop de Loundres.

1. Anglo-Norman Dublin & Diocese by Rev. Myles V. Ronan from the Irish Ecclesiastical Record July 1935.
2. “The Reformation in Dublin 1536 -1558.” By Myles V. Ronan C.C.

Note added by M. Ní Mhurchadha.
“To compare notes used by author with printed version and to note a later translation of the Extents by Newport B. White with additional information in ‘Extents of Irish Monastic Possessions 1540-1541’ N.L. Ref. No. is IR 271 W.S.”