Paper 215
Year – 1999
Author – James E. Gowan
Contents– A brief but detailed history of Irish Lighthouses – the origins of the Ballast Board and Commissioners of Irish Lights. A technical account of how the Light is generated is given.
Rockabill is described: construction, technical specifications, life of the keepers, wildlife sanctuary.
A letter dated 1950 from St John’s Point Lighthouse, County Down to Irish Lights mentioning the conduct of a painter B. Behan, is appended to the paper – no explanation given. (Brendan Behan, writer!)
Sources– T.G. Wilson: The Irish Lighthouse Service (Figgis 1968)
B.Long: Bright Light and White Water (New Island Books 1993)
BEAM – In house journal of Irish Lights Service
Repositories– Irish Lights HQ