10 march 2020 – A photographic record of Skerries

Jim Broadhead

I prefer to call my photos snaps because that’s all they ever were to me. Sometimes I never even got out of my car to take a snap! I’ve been very fortunate to have worked for myself in Skerries for over forty years. There was always some sort of building or demolition going on for me to record, along with some opportunistic shots of random events and people going about their business.

Having worked for various business owners on the Harbour Road, I was able to witness the demise of the once thriving and lucrative fishing industry. It was very sad to see the once glorious fishing vessels being broen up for scrap.

Skerries has changed a lot over the years, as do most places, but here it’s for the better, as new is added to old, keeping the town’s fabric and heritage.