One New Year’s Eve a young man of Skerries was returning home late at night, and as there is a path running through the grounds of Hacketstown House, and skirting the graveyard, he decided to follow it, as it was the shortest way into the town.
When he had gone past Hacketstown he heard a mysterious noise, like the clanking of a chain. The noise appeared to be following him, as whenever he stopped or ran, the noise did likewise. He called out, but receiving no answer, he ran home as fast as he could.
When he reached home his father said, “What’s that clanking about you Paddy?” “I don’t know,” said his son, “it’s been following me all the way.” “Paddy, my boy,” said his father, “next time you go out for a walk, leave the keys on their nail.”
Alan Owens, 6 Strand St.,
Told by Mr. P. Matthews, Holmpatrick