Spring 2015 Newsletter


Mid-Season Newsletter – March 2015


October 2014 AGM

Thanks to all who attended the Skerries Historical Society 67th AGM held on October 14th 2014 in Keane’s – The Bus Bar.


Talks that began the 2014/15 season


Talks for the rest of the 2015 season

March 10th Irish Volunteer Brothers, James and Charles Murray, Skerries, Part II by Frank Whearity

April 14thSkerries Building Company by Brendan Grimes

May 12thFloraville by George Hand & Carmel Power

June 9thBernie Gough and Henry Power: 30 years of slides by Hugh Halpin & Peter McNally

July and August no meetings

September 8thBalrothery Workhouse by Janet Martin

October 13th AGM


SHS Publications

T&T9Time and Tide, Volume 9 was launched after the 2014 AGM by Shane Hegarty, former Irish Times journalist and co-author of the Irish Times book of the 1916 Rising.

Time & Tide 9 features nine papers from Skerries Historical Society Archive.

Time & Tide 9 is available at all ordinary meetings and from Skerries Bookshop, Skerries Mills, Greg Reddins and Skerries News/Tourist Information on Thomas Hand St.

Price € 15

Earlier volumes of Time & Tide are also available at the meetings.


Other News

Website: A new website is currently under construction and will replace the current one in the near future. The domain name remains: www.oldskerries.ie

Email reminders: Please give us your email address if you wish to receive reminders about our upcoming talks. Send your address to skhistsoc@eircom.net

1916 Centenary: The SHS Committee is working towards 2016 and the celebrations marking the one hundredth anniversary of the 1916 Rising. Please contact Gerard Shannon, Marie Bashford Synnott or Geraldine Clarke if you have any suggestions about how we should mark this important milestone.

Preserving our local heritage: The committee has been busy keeping an eye on developments in Skerries during the year. We have worked with Irish Water to preserve some of the Stop-Valve covers, dating back to the 1930s, which are currently being replaced. We hope, in the coming months, to find a permanent home for the rescued covers, which represent a significant part of our industrial heritage.