Paper 238
Lecture – 2003
Author – Ni Chionnaith, Bernadette (McKenna)
Published – Time & Tide 8
The town of Skerries began to expand with new housing estates being built from 1970 onwards, and the need for a new school was evident. In 1978 a small 35 pupil school, called Réalt na Mara, was set up in the older National Schools buildings on Dublin Road. After many meetings and much planning a new school building was officially opened on Thursday 20th. October, 1983. It was a much needed and welcome addition to the town.
From the beginning parents and teachers were represented on all Boards of Management. Over the years fund-raising played a big part in establishing much needed equipment and extras. Gradually during the 25 years a state of the art school has emerged, thanks to the hard work of teachers, parents and pupils. The school now has over 400 pupils.